Grassroots American businesses will find it very easy to update their mobile website from their PC or from their phone. Restaurant owners will even be able to update their daily lunch menu while standing in the kitchen each morning. Users will find the mobile interface provides answers to their questions at the moment they think of them. The system is very fast on a phone.
Here's how it works: The system has 6 different types of QR codes built in. Each one can target a specific destination online within the mobile City QR Code system. Each scan is tracked so the store knows how well their marketing program is working.
1. At the core of City QR Code there is a Read a Review Feature. As someone walks buy a storefront they will see a QR Code sign that invites the person to scan and find out more information about the store. The person takes a photo with their smartphone and immediately sees the store's reviews. Other basic information is also available like a business description, slogan, store hours the address, phone number and even a map. The potential customer also finds the monthly sale announcement and any daily deal.
2. The Daily Deal was conceived of specifically for local small restaurants with lunch menus. Instead of faxing out daily lunch menus to local businesses they can put their "lunch menu" QR code on their regular menu or even create business card size refrigerator magnets with the QR code on it. They would invite their customers to scan the QR code every day, read the menu and tap the large phone number they also see on their smartphone screen to call in their order.
3. One of the QR codes will bring customers directly to the cell phone review page. As the customer walks out of the store they will see this QR code on the inside of the exit door. It may say, “How are we doing?” or “How was your experience shopping with us or eating here, etc." The customer simply scans the QR code and can spend a few short minutes Posting a Review. Although many companies have online review systems, this method makes the review process easy without needing the customer to visit their PC later. Customers scanning the QR code are considered "verified" since they were actually in the store. Many internet review systems suffer from bogus online reviews, our method will clearly identify the real customers from the fake ones.
4. Most retail stores run monthly specials, or have sales that span many days. The Special Offer QR Code will bring customers directly to the page that talks about that sale. This QR code was designed to use on traditional marketing like magazines, newspapers and direct mail. It would also be used on ads inside trains and buses or anywhere someone will need to stand and wait. Many companies are creating QR code marketing, but ours is a new concept that allows a QR code to be reused or redirected to a new destination as needed.
“This project was originally developed in September 2010, but the general consumer awareness of QR codes was too low”, stated Matthew Perosi. He continued, “While waiting for more general awareness, the system has been updated, gone through usability studies and verified to work on all smartphone. Although no web project is ever complete, as you read this notice we have officially launched our first public website for this project and we will populate it rapidly. We are inviting any business to join our field trial right now for a flat $47 for the first year. We expect the monthly subscription to be $20 or more once we exit the field trial.”
We would like to invite any of our shareholders who own small businesses to contact 1-973-826-2283 if you would like to sign up during the field trial. By the way, there are approximately 86,000,000 uses of smart phones in this country and that number is growing rapidly.